November 10, 2012

Bukan Cinta Biasa

Argument after argument we've been having lately. I wish none of these would come in between us. Some say, fights keep the love stronger. Some say, fights may lose the bond. I don't know. One thing I do know is, it hurts everytime we fight over something.

Sayang, you know I've always wanted to give you the best of everything. Anything you'd wish for. I've always wanted to be the best to you in many ways. I've always wanted to be the most amazing person you've ever been with.

It's just.. sometimes, you tend to forget.. you tend to overlook at things. You will only see them as my imperfections, my fault.. my misunderstanding. Did you ever really look at the situation deeply? Did you ever ask yourself why the situation gets to where it is right now? Have you looked at the situation beyond the line? 

I feel down tonight. So much more than you could imagine. I feel that I am not being appreciated, in certain ways. You probably aren't aware of it. But, it hurts. Real bad. 

Call me emotional. Call me a cry baby. Call me immature.
But, what we have right now is the ticket to ride our journey. We've decided to go on the journey together, 9 months ago. We both have agreed to live and die ; till death do us apart. We have decided to go through thick and thin together. Nothing can beat that, ever.

I've sacrificed so many things in my life so I can be with you. I never regret whatever I've decided - just to be with you. I'm glad that I met you. I'm so grateful to have you in my life. Losing you is the most horrible nightmare I could imagine. I rather die than not having you by my side. I don't think I can go on without you.

I'm begging you, please.
Try to understand why I am the way I am.
Why do I react the way I did..

I have so much love for you.
I have so much affection that I wanna share with you..
I have so much care just for you..

I do have anger. I do have hatred. I do have favor.
But, it doesn't mean I'm trying to change whatever you've been cherished in your life.
I'd just like to share the wonderful life with you.
I could never thank Allah swt enough for giving me, YOU.
You're amongst the greatest gift Allah swt has given me..and I can't afford to lose you, sayang.

I am deeply sorry as I've hurt you in many ways..
Believe me.. this is never the situation I'd want to come in between us..

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