December 31, 2011

The Call.

Every new year, I always look forward to the month of February. It is simply because I was born in February and just so happens that Mum's birthday is in February as well - so I take it as a special month of all the months in the year.

It has been my dream to have something big happens on my birthday. Be it my graduation, the first day at work, engagement or even wedding. It just feels special and extraordinary you know.

Some people may take it as an ordinary day. What's so special about someone birthday anyways? I don't know.. cuz to me, my family practices celebrating birthday every year. It is such an acknowledgment and appreciation. The practice just gets the bond stronger. Oh, I love my family so much! :)

And.. February 2012 will be another year older for me. Wiser too, I hope. 
Looking forward to having an amazing February 2012.
Insyallah, everything will fall into places. 

Dan kahwinkanlah orang-orang bujang (lelaki dan perempuan) dari kalangan kamu, dan orang-orang yang soleh dari hamba-hamba kamu, lelaki dan perempuan. Jika mereka miskin, Allah akan memberikan kekayaan kepada mereka dari limpah kurniaNya kerana Allah Maha Luas (rahmatNya dan limpah kurniaNya), lagi Maha Mengetahui. (An-Nuur 24:32)


December 29, 2011

Some little things.

So, I was driving home yesterday from a long day ; recce, meeting and so on. I got stuck in a pretty heavy traffic, really feeling blah.
I just thought of calling the other half, just to see what was he up to?! Yeah, he was at work and telling me how much work he's got to do...

You know, some little things can really make someone simply flattered. It doesn't have to be a huge surprise at the most expensive fine-dining restaurant in town or buying a few grant worth of diamonds.

I always wanted to be the one who's comforting him - all the time. Through thick and thin. I just love it so much when he comes to me for any little things he'd tell... just like... "Hey, am off to grab a coffee for a lil bit.. will call you when I get there..".

It just feels great, you know. I never asked for it.
But, am glad he wanted me to know whatever he's up to.

It wasn't big of a deal to make someone whom I truly love happy and at ease.
I do know, it wasn't enough to just tell him how much I love him.
Anyhow, I've made that little something yesterday.. I hope I did put him at ease.

*If you ever come across this, I want you to know that my love and care for you are undefined. I'm trying my best to be the most amazing to you :)

I love you.

December 28, 2011

The Face of Those Books

I began having the social networking websites back in 2006. It was the phenomena which was amazingly huge for the teenagers. I've started with Friendster, which was the most basic social website for teenagers to socialize. I found my former schoolmates, new online friends and also cousins.

The most exciting part is when you get to see others' photos. Be it at the events ; wedding, birthday, outing. I went through such action to post my photos as well. Bla bla bla... it got even more exciting when others' had to leave comments on each photo I posted. Feedback is fun!

Friendster got boring.. and I have switched to Myspace. It was more intriguing as compared to Friendster. I could do a lot of things with it. In short, Myspace was way fun. Years went by and.. now.. we've got Facebook *thumb thumb thumb*

I refused to set up another social networking account *sigh*. I was forced to have a Facebook account by my ex-roomate, Shelby - the New Jersey girl. Well, I barely had any info on my page for the first few months. It has developed 5 months after as far as I remember.

I've had Facebook since 2007. It has been 4 years at least.
I've gone through experience and tragedy with Facebook. There are good ones and bad. Since then, I realized how Facebook could either change your life positively or literally fuck you in the face.
I do not wish to share every details of whatever that happened.

Something just hit me in mind saying to just live life without Facebook for a lil while.
It was kinda hard to wake up in the morning and not checking on Facebook.
It has becoming a routine to me every morning and night. In other word, Facebook has affected my life in many ways.

Yups, I am now living life without Facebook for 2 days now.
I wish to continue this till further notice. I ain't sure how long this is going to last.
We'll see.

I honestly feel that Facebook can really drag you into a fucked up life situation like what I had days ago. It wasn't a piece of cake. The bright side is when you tend to acknowledge things that you won't know in your plate at every moment. It shows up on the "News Feed" on your wall and everything reveals. Whether or not it hurts me in some ways.. I just feel the need to shut my Facebook down for lil while. It won't bite anyways!

So much of Facebook has affected my life so badly.
Living without it, hoping to get my clarity soon enough.


Something to begin with..

I wonder how did I get into the idea of writing, lately. Seeing my dad facing the computer every day and night, writing.. just caught my attention.

I've stopped writing for about a year since I graduated from the university. I used to write a lot when I was in America. Well, writing the academic papers wasn't as fun as blogging. I wasn't able to curse or use any overly-abused bombastic words. Na'ah.

So, here I am tonight, writing this brief blog to begin my own blog page titled "MyBlindSpot".

Look forward to writing more post!