January 16, 2012

The Unthinkable Tragedy

Saturday January 14, 2012 - My family and I drove back to Penang for a wedding. We were all excited to make it to the wedding, knowing that almost every cousin will be there. My uncle from Kemaman has been at my house since Thursday - heading to Penang together.

To begin the story, we left the house at 6.45am on Saturday. The morning was still early to me - to begin driving *yawn*. The traffic was alright since it was an ordinary weekend for most of the people. I doubt people have started their CNY journey.

We got to Penang at 11.30am after a couple of breaks in between the journey. We stopped by twice at R & R for snacks and gas. We got to change before heading to the wedding by noon. The wedding was incredibly fun despite the hall was frigging "boiling" our asses off. O well. We took photos with cousins, bride and groom. Everyone had fun. The food was delicious too.

We left at almost 3ish. We got home to where we stayed for the weekend. Our plan was to head to the Gurney Drive at night. Mum, brother, sis-in-law, aunt and myself went to Tesco for a lil bit to grab some stuff. On a little note, Mum did mention that she left her cell at home.

We got back from Tesco and dad was saying that my maid has been calling mum's cell for 4 times. Since mum was unreachable, maid had to call my other aunt.
My aunt was in shock, telling us the news that came to her. Maid was in panic.

Mum was talking to our maid. Asking every details. I had goosebumps whilst mum talking to her. I imagined the most terrible incident that could happen.
My heartbeat was running faster. I could feel the choke somewhere near my throat.

According to my maid, most of my cats refused to "dine-in" that late afternoon. She wonder, really. None of them approached the house as usual. Later after that, my maid had to force three of them to go in by getting each of them accordingly. She then locked the door as usual. With a huge curiosity and suspense, she took a sit somewhere near the cats' house to see if more of them coming back. All of them remain away from the house. My maid got curious even more.

The next door neighbor maid, Tik, came to help, see what went wrong. They both were checking out the house all around it. My maid then saw one of my cats, Cheesy, went up to the small cage inside the house. Cheesy was looking up curiously and positively looking very fearful. Both maids then went around to the other corner and discovered a Python in there. In other name, it's called Python neticulatus @ Ular Sawa Batik. They both were screaming and got even more panic. My maid went to ask for an urgent help from the security at the guard house in my neighborhood.

As we were all on our way to dinner, I gave my other half a call, informing him what happened. He then rushed to my house. He kept me posted on every single details. An hour later, the guys from Jabatan Perhilitan came to "rescue" the python. It was actually curling up at one corner, high up, looking super lazy. My maid did not realize that it has been there probably since noon on Saturday. At that very moment, she then realized the MAIN reason why most of my cats did not wanna go in. THAT'S WHY!

Mum did ask if there's any of my cats went missing. Yups, there were all over the place. They refused to stay close. But, there was one which my maid did not see before, during and after the incident. It was GREY. As my maid was telling me that Grey went missing, I couldn't stop thinking of the worse thing that could ever happened. I had skip my dinner as I just couldn't think of anything else but him. I tried to calm myself by saying, Grey was probably somewhere hiding. He must be very scared. He ain't that big nor that small. He's slightly bigger than Bubu - about 8 months. He had the cutest cat face I've ever seen - like a teddy bear. Grey fur, stripes and dark grey eyes. Everything about him was adorable. All of these came through my mind as I was anxiously waiting for my other half to call.

Once the python has been "rescued", my other half called and confirmed that the python had totally SWALLOWED Grey in. They could see the figure in the python's body. The moment I heard that, my heartbeat stopped for 3 seconds it seems. I didn't know what to think anymore. I cried immediately in the middle of Gurney Drive where the traffic was incredibly bad. Mum had running tears on her cheeks as well. We were both speechless.

There were too many things running in our minds as we were talking about it. My heart was crushed and in tears. Grey was probably helpless. Nobody was there to save him. Grey was one of the most playful cats I've ever had. He loved playing with anything that moves. He enjoyed having Bubu around as well. Knowing the fact that he's a joyful and a heartbreaker, now I kinda thought that he might have asked the python to "play" with him for a little bit. But, that was not a good idea afterall.

Now, Grey is gone. RIP my love. May you find your peace and happiness. Thank you for being the most joyful, incredible, adorable teddy-bear looking, active and good brother cat. We love you loads and you'll definitely be missed. We're all truly sorry that you had to go this way :(

And today, most of them are still in paranoia stage to go into the house. Beebo and Smokey were even checking out the spot where the python curled up the other day. They looked so not in the mood. They probably have witnessed the entire situation. They couldn't do anything. They were helpless. I wish someone was there to save Grey. I guess God loves him a lot more.

Though, I have to redha with whatever that has happened. 
There's nothing I can do about the past. All I can do now is to fix it.
We might be demolishing the house and rebuild another house for them at a different spot.
Chinese people tend to say,"It's suwey (bad luck)".

Alhamdulillah, Praise to God as others are still safe and alive.

RIP grey :(


  1. besarnye....ayoooo....mlm ke ni? bukan siang ke kakak realise?

    1. kakak realized petang dah. So, malam baru jabatan perhilitan tu datang.. about an hour la after they called them. :9
