January 10, 2012

God is fair

Since my semi-big day is approaching, there are things that come to me that kinda scare me for some reasons. Am I able to leave most of the things behind since there'll be another life ahead of me?

I am hoping that God hears me in every prayer I've had for Him. I really wish He does. He would guide me to the right path and give me a better life. I wanna be able to live with someone whom I truly love, till my last breath. Insyallah. I seek for His blessing on my marriage.

I learned a lot from the past. Life isn't about yourself alone. Life is beyond that. We can go around for weeks and months to be discussing and sharing about God. But, whether or not we have the faith within? Do we really believe that our lives are for Him, hereafter?

Being in America for awhile has taken me into another world which I never thought I'd be in. The concept of living life without God and The Doomsday is not going to be happening; is widely planted in their minds. How could they lead their lives that way?

Well, I have no rights to judge their choices. God has given all of us the opportunity and the wishful thinking to judge and choose. I do believe God has always a better plan for each and every of us - whether you like it or not.

I was in such an ignorant stage of life when I really thought that God is unfair. He picks and chooses those that He likes and award them with heaven on earth. As I was growing up, it makes even more sense to me that God put us on tests to value our patience, faith and responsibility as His man. He created us, so He definitely has a total right to command anything in relation to men.

I'm hoping to better myself as a Muslimah. Being someone's wife isn't about being pretty for the husband and serving good meals, but the responsibility is tremendously huge.
By His blessings, am hoping to go through life as someone's wife in full of imaan and taqwa. Am just a human being, I am lack in many aspects of life. Insyallah, as long as I am still keeping my imaan with me, I'll try to be a better Muslimah from time to time.


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